
Gina Uttam

Co-Founder &Director

Being a Co-Founder and Director of Generation Z Education Training Solutions with the stated mission and vision combined with her skills will allow her to assure positive change in the education sector.


The educational and experiential background was reflected in the numerous continuous professional development sessions that were developed and offered to numerous learners from all around the world to help complete and achieve international qualifications under specific benchmarks. Besides designing and developing programs to train and empower workers and practitioners at the entry, junior and senior levels in education, childcare and health and safety sectors. Moreover, running, teaching, and training individuals in the Special Education Department has a great impact on allowing her to raise awareness and place strategies to support, teach and execute sessions on inclusion, diversity, and individual educational plans with smart and measurable targets.

Her qualifications were modified by holding a Master's Degree in Education, a Bachelor's in Early Childhood Studies, a Diploma in Special Education Needs, a Montessori diploma in early years and the 3 different Diploma levels of CACHE for Early Years Workforce Early Years Educators.

Gina has been working in the United Arab Emirates in the education sector for nearly 10 years. She started her career as an Early Years Teacher which enabled her to best understand the need of practitioners in this sector in terms of induction, support, and training. Through her extensive experience and continuous development, she has been an assessor for nearly five years which commits her to ensure learners’ satisfaction and training is provided to their highest potential.